Dearest Vincent 2
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Please contact us to explore further.
DEAREST VINCENT 2, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Dearest Vincent 3
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork has SOLD. Please contact the Gallery to explore a custom commission by this artist.
DEAREST VINCENT 3, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Desert Beauty
DESERT BEAUTY, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
DESTINY, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
DREAM, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Emerald Lane
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
EMERALD LANE, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
ENCHANTED, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Enchanted Cypress Tunnel
Enchanted Cypress Tunnel, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Enchanted Forest
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
ENCHANTED FOREST, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Endless Love
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
ENDLESS LOVE, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Facing The Sun
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FACING THE SUN, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Fall Aspen Path
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
Fall Cottonwood
FALL COTTONWOOD, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This artwork has SOLD. Please contact the gallery to discuss commissioning something similar.
Fall In Love
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FALL IN LOVE, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Falling For You
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FALLING FOR YOU, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Paired Song: "My Sweet Summer" by Dirty Heads
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Flamboyant Serenity
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FLAMBOYANT SERENITY, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Flame of Tropics
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FLAME OF TROPICS, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Flame Tree Path
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FLAME TREE PATH, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FOREVER, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FORSYTHIA, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Forsythia In Full Bloom
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
FORSYTHIA IN FULL BLOOM, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Fragrance of Hawaii
FRAGRANCE OF HAWAII, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
Gift of Summer
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
GIFT OF SUMMER, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Song Associated: Happy by Pharrell Williams
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
GLOW, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Gold Medallion
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
GOLD MEDALLION, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Golden Tree
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
GOLDEN TREE, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Green And Lavender
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
GREEN AND LAVENDER, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Happy Faces
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
HAPPY FACES, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Happy Faces 2
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
HAPPY FACES 2, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Hawaii Sun
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
HAWAII SUN, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
HOPE, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
INFATUATION, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Inner Beauty
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
INNER BEAUTY, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California. Available to pick-up/ship after August 10th, 2020.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Iridescent Evening
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
IRIDESCENT EVENING, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
JACARANDA, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Jacaranda Allure
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
JACARANDA ALLURE, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Jacaranda Bliss
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
JACARANDA BLISS, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Jacaranda Lane
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
Jacaranda On The Beach
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
JACARANDA ON THE BEACH, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California. Available to pick-up/ship after May 1st, 2020.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Jacaranda Serenade
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
JACARANDA SERENADE, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Jacaranda Splendor
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
JACARANDA SPLENDOR, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Jacaranda Tunnel
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
JACARANDA TUNNEL, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork is not eligible for free shipping. Please contact the Gallery to discuss shipping options and costs.
Jacaranda’s Invitation
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
JACARANDA'S INVITIATION, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Ka Lā Melemele (Yellow Sun)
Ka Lā Melemele (Yellow Sun), by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
La Jolla Blooms
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
LA JOLLA BLOOMS, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
La Jolla Light
LA JOLLA LIGHT, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting sold at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
If you would like to commission the artist for a similar piece, please reach out to the gallery directly for information.
La Jolla Palms 2
**SOLD** This original painting has sold. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further.
LA JOLLA PALMS 2, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
Laguna Bloom
LAGUNA BLOOM, by artist Misun Holdorf, is an original oil painting available at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, California.
**PLEASE NOTE** This Artwork has SOLD. Please contact the Gallery to discuss a commission.